Maria: When designing a user-friendly application, it is necessary to follow the platform guidelines: Human Interface Guidelines (HIG) for iOS and Material Design for Android. Using native components greatly facilitates development and user experience.
There are things that can be reduced to the common denominator and generalized on both platforms, but still, most of visual and behavioral components are very different. This also applies to navigation: now in iOS everything is built on gestures, there are no buttons at all. For example, going backward by swiping from left to right is a very common pattern for iOS users, while for Android users it will be more intuitive to reach for the back button in the lower right corner.
The navigation inside one screen is also different. On Android tabs are used, between which you can navigate by swipe, on iOS this is a segmented control.
Different screen aspect ratios, typography (Roboto-Material, San Francisco-HIG), rounded corners. The material UI has a wider range of using shadows, one of the main characteristics of “elevation” is responsible for this-the height of raising the element above the surface, when navigating the user literally sees how the screens overlap one another.
Tell us about the main trends in mobile app design in 2021-2022.Maria: It’s better to use trends to fill your portfolio with beautiful pictures. On Dribbble, for example, trending shots become popular faster and easier. In most cases, these techniques become obsolete very quickly.
What can be used:
- Custom illustrations and icons. It’s hard to miscalculate this, stock photos and vectors have already blurred everyone’s eyes, and it’s always nice to see unique rendered pictures that reflect the brand and corporate identity of the product;