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The Product Discovery Process: Phases, Features and Tips

Advantages of Custom Software

What’s Product Discovery? What Is User Research And Why It’s Important?

The product discovery process is a very important part of the development cycle. It takes place before you start coding and it’s where you find out what your users need, how they use your app, what problems they have with your app, and so on. In this blog post we will show you how to do product discovery in an easy way.
The first thing that comes into mind when we think about product discovery process is user research. User research is great but it has its limitations. You can only get information from real people who are willing to give you their time and attention. This means that most of the times you won’t be able to ask questions like “what features would make your life easier?” or “why did you leave the previous version of our app?”. Also, you don’t know if the person answering your question actually uses the app, which makes it even more difficult for you to understand the problem you are trying to solve.
Another limitation of user research is that it doesn’t work well with mobile apps because there is no way to test them on actual devices. For example, you cannot install a beta version of the app on someone’s phone and see what happens.
So, what should you do instead? Well, you should try to gather as much information as possible by yourself. But how? There are many different ways to do product discovery. The best one depends on the type of app you are building.

How To Do Product Discovery


So, what should you do instead? Well, you should try to gather as much information as possible by yourself. But how? There are many different ways to do product discovery. The best one depends on the type of app you are building.
To align your product discovery process with business goals, you need to understand what those goals are.
For example, let’s say that your company sells widgets.
You could make the following assumptions based on your understanding of your business goals:
  • Revenue Generation – Increase sales
  • Customer Retention – Reduce churn rate
  • Cost Reduction – Cut down on marketing expenses
In the product discovery phase, you’re trying to determine the features your customers will want. In the development cycle, you’re trying to develop those features.
As you go through the process of developing your app, you’ll find out what features your customers really want. Then, you’ll build those features into your application.
This means that the product discovery phase aligns perfectly with the development cycle. After you define the features your customers want, you can start building them into your application.

User Research

There are four main types of user research: behavioral, attitudinal, qualitative and quantitative.
Behavioral research focuses on how people behave. For example, you might study how many people use your product or how long people stay on your website.
Attitudinal research looks at people’s opinions, attitudes, beliefs, values, and feelings. You might survey people in order to learn their preferences or opinions.
Qualitative research involves talking directly with people. It includes interviews, focus groups, and surveys.
Quantitative research uses numbers to measure something. This type of research includes statistics, graphs, charts, and spreadsheets.
The goal of each type of research is different. Behavioral research helps you understand how people interact with your product. Attitudinal research helps you understand why people act a certain way. Quantitative research helps you quantify things like usage, satisfaction, and conversion rates. And qualitative research allows you to talk directly with people.


You’ve identified the user problem you’re trying to solve. Now, you need to figure out how to solve it. The ideation phase is where you come up with ideas for solving this problem.
You’ve identified the user problem you’re trying to solve. Now, you need to figure out how to solve it. The ideation phase is where you come up with ideas for solving this problem.
Step 1: Define Your Problem
Defining the problem is one of the first steps in the ideation process because it helps you narrow down what you’re working on.
Step 2: Brainstorm Ideas
Brainstorming is an effective method for coming up with new ideas. In brainstorming, you don’t worry about whether an idea is feasible or not. Instead, you just generate as many ideas as possible.
Brainstorming is an effective method for coming up with new ideas. In brainstorming, you don’t worry about whether an idea is feasible or not. Instead, you just generate as many ideas as possible.
Step 3: Eliminate Unfeasible Solutions
After you have generated some ideas, you should be able to see which ones aren’t feasible.
As you go through the list of ideas, keep track of which ones seem feasible. This will help you focus your efforts later on.
Step 4: Choose the Best Idea
Once you’ve narrowed down your list of ideas, choose the best one.
This step depends on the nature of your project. If you’re creating something that has a clear endpoint, such as a website or mobile app, then you may want to select the best idea from the beginning. However, if you’re starting with a blank slate, then you might want to spend more time thinking about the best way to approach the problem.


The prototyping phase is where you actually build a prototype. It’s important to note that this doesn’t mean that you’ll immediately create a product. Instead, you’ll use the prototype to test out different aspects of your idea.
In the prototyping phase, you’ll need to do the following:
  • Develop a rough outline of what the final product will look like.
  • Create wireframes to show how the user interface will work.
  • Design the overall layout of the site/app.
  • Write code to implement the functionality of the site/app.
  • Test the site/app to ensure that everything works correctly.


During the validation phase, you’ll continue testing the product until you feel confident enough to launch it publicly.
You’ll need to do the same things during the validation phase as you did during the prototyping phase. The only difference is that now you’ll be doing all of those tasks while the public is using the site/app. You’ll want to make sure that everything still works properly after being exposed to real users.


At this stage, you’ll no longer be working directly for the client. Instead, you’ll be working for yourself and charging money for your services.
The delivery phase is when you’ll have to answer some questions regarding the quality of the product. For example, you’ll have to provide evidence that the product meets the requirements set forth by the client.

Why Are Teams So Important In a Product Discovery Process?

  • Teams play an essential role in the product discovery process because they help you identify problems early on.
  • They also allow you to collaborate effectively. This helps you avoid wasting time on projects that aren’t going anywhere.
  • Finally, teams give you access to experts who can help you solve complex issues.
In fact, most companies use multiple teams throughout the product discovery process. Each team has its own specific purpose.

Mistakes Committed in Product Discovery Process

There are several mistakes that you should avoid making during the product discovery process.

1. Not Having A Clear Scope Document

When you start work on a new project, make sure that you write down everything that you want to achieve.
This will ensure that your deliverables match what was agreed upon.

2. Failing To Identify Potential Problems Early On

As mentioned earlier, having a clear scope document ensures that you don’t waste time on projects that aren’t going anywhere.

3. Not Communicating With Your Client At Regular Intervals

If you fail to communicate regularly with your clients, they may feel like they’ve been left behind.

4. Not Following The Rules Of Agile Development

Many agile development methods require you to follow certain rules when planning and executing your projects.

5. Using An Unsuitable Framework For The Project

It’s very common to find yourself using frameworks that were designed for something completely different.

6. Starting Work Without Planning Out All Of The Steps

You’ll need to plan every step of the way. Otherwise, you may end up spending too much time doing things that weren’t part of the original plan.

7. Hiring People Who Don’t Have The Right Skillsets

Hire people who have experience working in the field that you’re targeting. You won’t be able to do anything if you hire someone who doesn’t know what he or she is doing.

8. Ignoring Feedback From Others

Don’t ignore feedback from other people. Even if they disagree with your decisions, at least consider their input.

9. Trying To Do Too Much In One Go

Try not to try to do too much in one go. Instead, break your tasks into smaller pieces so that you can focus on them properly.

10. Going Overboard When Choosing Tools

Choosing tools can be difficult. However, there are some tools that you shouldn’t choose because they are overkill.

11. Taking Too Long To Get Things Done

The most important thing is to get things done quickly. If you take too long to complete a task, then you could lose your customer base.

How To Help Product Teams Do Product Discovery

Now that we’ve covered how to prevent these mistakes, let’s talk about ways that you can help teams discover products.

1. Create A Vision Statement

A vision statement helps you define what you want to achieve. It also helps you figure out whether you should continue pursuing it.

2. Set Up A Scrum Team

A scrum team is made up of developers, testers, product owners, and business analysts. These individuals work together to create new features.

3. Use User Stories And Acceptance Criteria

User stories are used to describe user requirements. They allow you to clearly state what users will be able to do once the feature has been developed.
Acceptance criteria are used to determine whether the feature meets its specifications.

4. Focus On What Is Essential

Focus on what is essential. This means making sure that you only develop those parts of the project that are necessary.

5. Test Early And Often

Test early and often. Doing so will ensure that you don’t waste any time developing something that no one wants.

6. Keep Your Plan Simple

Keep your plans simple. Complex plans tend to lead to problems.

7. Be Open-Minded

Be open-minded when considering ideas. Try to look at all sides of an issue before deciding which way to proceed.

8. Ask For Input

Ask for input from others whenever possible. This includes asking customers, partners, and employees.

9. Listen Carefully

Listen carefully to everyone who provides input. Don’t just accept everything that they say without question.
Discovery is a key part of any successful software development project. By using the tips we mentioned above, you can ensure that your product discovery process goes smoothly.
Softvoya knows that without good discovery, you won’t know what you need to build. So contact us today to discuss your new product!